Contrast Poster

Shown above is the original arrangement of the contrast poster. In this poster, I am showing the contrast between a bird covered in oil and a bird untouched. This is representing oil spills that cause massive harm to ecosystems in the ocean and on coastlines. I am happy with the use of two birds that create contrasts between colour. I was not completely happy with the layout as it is not as effective as my other productions. The background of the poster is also too dark and doesn’t bring out the colours in the white bird. By brightening the background, it will make the white of the bird become more prominent.  

Shown above is my final design of the contrast poster. I changed the layout to help make the white bird show freedom and health compared to the bird covered in oil. This layout fills the page and makes it more interesting to look at. The white bird also signifies hope in keeping wildlife safe from negative human effect. 


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